News from NYC hot events
from our reporter Francesca Gentile
Sotto le "porte" a Central
Park... c'eravamo anche noi.
Hi! An U.S.A. friend from Itlay say "hullo" to all the American creatives. We have projects, You have too: let's get our dreams come true together! Fab Caleffi.
Our new contact for movie projects is: Mr. Dan Engle from Burbank, California. We met this KAPPA STUDIOS, Inc. producer in Bar Magenta, Milano, Italy.
Do you like to read Italian? Do you
like to read American news in Italian? Do you like to see Europe from an American
point of view? Do you want to find your roots?
Read AMERICAoggi, the daily
newspeaper in Italian. The art and culture and show biz reporter from Europe
is Fabrizio Sebastian Caleffi.